The International Olympic Committee (IOC) headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, the Office of the World Organization for Peace of Rome, organized a ceremony of tribute to the Professor for Peace, Muhammad Abdul Aziz Ahmed Al Baker. He was given an honor distinction by this organization through the General Secretary of the Italian headquarters of OMPP WOFP. The ceremony was attended by members from different countries and the President of the Organization Carlos Peralta, where they highlighted the next Football All Master Seniors cup for the World Reconciliation which involves 26 countries that have suffered different conflicts and wars. This event is programmed for 2017 in the capitals of the Gulf countries, European cities and others in America. The Professor for Peace, proposes a world without wars and sanctions for countries that are managers of the war, that themselves should devote security systems to mitigate all illegal actions and act against terrorism. In order to develop a culture of peace and a general welfare for everyone throughout the planet in the next fifteen years, the OMPP WOFP will provide projections of this program to the United Nations and UNESCO, who can make this possible through the effort and the willingness of all, contributing in this manner for a better future.

The president of the World Organization for Peace, Carlos Peralta expresses to the Professor of Peace of OMPP WOFP, Muhammad Abdul Aziz Ahmed Al Baker, the importance of the burning flame of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the one that very soon will be transported to Brazil in order to be lighted this august fifth at the opening of the Olympic games. This is the giant torch or the container of the Olympic flame, the one that will be placed in a circular container and will be lighted at the highest point of the Maracană Stadium in Rio de Janeiro since the beginning of the Olympic games in Rio 2016 until the closure of the same. An event without precedents is expected, an event that will contribute with the encounter between the different Nations of the world, as it happened in the ancient Greece, the founder of the first Olympic games that happened many centuries B.C.

The Professor for Peace Muhammad Abdul Aziz Ahmed Al Baker at the United Nations, accompanied by the Attorney Bruna Molina, who was in charge of many different directives at the UN, and with them the President of the World Organization for Peace (OMPP WOFP) Carlos Peralta, who participated in the different meetings. Peralta emphasized that the Professor for Peace has taken important responsibilities to spread the program of “A World without Wars" when he was appointed as Director-General of Oil for Peace for the Gulf countries and Director-General of the OMPP WOFP in the same territory.